Thursday, May 29, 2008

May Day

Here we are at the end of May. I've been to another funeral
for someone who died quickly from an illness that wasnt picked up until too late to be helped. He was the father of a lifelong friend who lost her own husband 8 years ago at the age of 30. Eric did a sterling job being a father figure to Jakob and Emilie - RIP Mr Rule.

We've also been to some parties - 2 in the one weekend, both dressups. Prince Cody was invited to Princess Cate's party and all 4 of us were invited to a pirate dress up to celebrate Claytons 5th birthday.

And, I've been doing prac work as part of my Cert 3 Teachers Assistant. I'm having a ball. I mostly work with Yr 5's and they are really interesting creatures. Today I trimmed art work, pinned up other art work, cut out skirts for the French class assembly, make penguins out of egg cartons and dug into peat for earthworms in the middle of a bunch of screaming 4th graders
- those screamers would be some of the boys as well as the girls!
I hope to be able to get a job doing this, hopefully even as soon as next term
would be good and would help massively towards the extra cost of having the
boys in a private school.
And, And, AND... I've lost 7 kgs. I'm following the Optifast diet. Its been DARN hard but its working, which is a nice change from all my other efforts to lose weight over the last x many years (too many to bother writing). I WILL lose the weight this time and keep it off too.
I guess thats it from me. So much happens and yet so little of it is of interest to anyone else! Stay well, all.