Saturday, September 27, 2008

Doesnt time fly?

Hey wow, I haven't posted for 3 months. So I guess i'd better do an update.

I'm now finished my Teachers Assistant course and are just waiting for my official piece of paper to arrive.

I've also lost 16 kgs in total. Here is a new photo.
Other than that, same old, same old. Far too busy, sick of driving all the time and taking some steps to change all of that. Its school holidays and I plan to sit on my couch and do some craft. 'Me' time : )
I still need to lose 24 kgs so I plan to start getting some exercise...soon.
I am also very much looking forward to next year when both my boys are in full time school. I swear I hear the word 'Mum' every 30 seconds. Soemtimes they even use my first name. Dear Hubby has taught them to do that in shops when they cant find me. Every other kid calls out "mum" - mine walk around saying "Natalie, Natalie".